Manuel Penteado
1985 Lisbon, Portugal

 Starting as a painter and a sculptor, soon came the compulsion to become a collector. 
A collector of objects, images, shapes, events, emptinesses, and things in-between. 
Things that when put together, somehow show a pattern amidst chaos.
Almost like a solution, as elegant as a mathematical formula, to the question of being.

2019."Terris ad Astra", DOK, Ghent, Belgium.
2019.”Marsyas”, BAC atelier, Hangar I, Leuven.
2018."SYZYGY", Cas-co, n+1 / Bac atelier, University Library; Leuven, , Belgium.
2018.“An invisible force”, WARP, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium.

2019."Ongezien#4", Port of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
2018."Het Voorstel", Belgium.
2017.“LUCA showcase show”, N.E.S.T., Ghent, Belgium.
2017.“Graduation show”, Sint-Lucas, Ghent, Belgium.
2017.“Tumult festival”, Ghent, Belgium.
2011.JCE(Jeune Creation Européenne), Biennal of contemporary art.

2019.DOK,Gent, Belgium.
2018.Cas-Co ateliers, Leuven, Belgium.
2018.Bac ateliers, Leuven, Belgium.
2011.JCE (Jeune Creation Européenne), Paris, France.

2017.Master (Magna cum laude), honourable mention “Suggested Permanence”, LUCA, Ghent, Belgium.
2011.Bachelor, FBAUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
2019.”Oroboros”, Self publication with Bernardo Berga.
2018."Het Voorstel, een biënnale van ideeën", catalogue.
2016.“Collected time”, self publication, Ghent, Belgium.
